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Channell-Justice, Emily. "Flexibility and Fragmentation: Student Activism and Ukraine's (Euro)Maidan Protests." Berkeley Journal of Sociology 58 (2014): https://berkeleyjournal.org/2014/10/20/flexibility-and-fragmentation-student-activism-and-ukraines-euromaidan-protests/.

Channell-Justice, Emily. "“We’re Not Just Sandwiches”: Europe, Nation, and Feminist (Im) Possibilities on Ukraine’s Maidan." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 42, no. 3 (2017): 717-741

Kozak, Nazar. "Art Embedded into Protest: Staging the Ukrainian Maidan." Art Journal 76/1 (2017), pgs. 9-27

Onuch, Olga and Gwedolyn Sasse, "The Maidan in Movement: Diversity and the Cycles of Protest." Europe-Asia Studies (2016), pgs. 1-32

Zhuk, Sergei. "Ukrainian Maidan as the Last Anti-Soviet Revolution." Ab Imperio 3/2014, pgs. 195-208



Channell-Justice, Emily. Without the State: Self-Organization and Political Activism in Ukraine (University of Toronto Press, 2022)
Plokhy, Serhii. The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (NY: Basic Books, 2015)
Plokhy, Serhii. The Russo-Ukrainian War: The Return of History (NY: W.W. Norton, 2023)
Onuch, Olga and Henry Hale, The Zelensky Effect (NY: Oxford University Press, 2022)
Andrey Kurkov, Ukraine Diaries: Dispatches from Kiev (London: Harvill, 2015)